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/mfl games

Europe wins the Ryder Cup – how’s that relevant to language learning?

October 2nd, 2012|

So what if there were some really good MFL games - and the way to score points is by learning words and making sentences in a foreign language? And what if the points enabled you to power a small car in a Race to Paris or Madrid? What would happen?

Language Learning and the secret ingredient

September 25th, 2012|Tags: |

This underused technique can power your language learning At the weekend my 12 year old daughter took part in her first duathlon - swimming followed by a run. She is not a regular athlete (belonging to a club) but wanted to give it a try. On the way to the event she was telling me how she wasn't going to try that hard - just have fun and see how she does. Sasha and her friend running I watched her swim and then walked over to an adjacent field to be able to welcome her across the [...]

How to breathe life into languages

September 15th, 2012|Tags: |

"Our academy based its teaching on the communicative approach and for this, the KLOO game is an amazing tool. Students build sentences easily and gain in confidence rapidly. Highly recommended!"

Games for the classroom

August 9th, 2012|

Games not just for the playing fields. They're important in the classroom too. They can play a hugely important and effective part in a child's education and have in-built advantages to many other educational materials.

How to get reluctant MFL students learning

July 12th, 2012|Tags: , , , , , , |

Getting students to WANT to learn languages. A change of approach changes attitudes. Teaching some students a language can be a challenge For MFL teachers the aim is to get their students to learn a second language. Hook or by crook. It is natural then for teachers to want to explain why learning a language is so important. The problem is that, although learning a language bestows huge benefits on the learner, some students seem impervious to persuasion and are, well, just not interested - and no amount of persuasion will move them. Many teachers [...]

The Best Travel Games to pack this holiday

July 3rd, 2012|Tags: , , |

KLOO is perhaps the perfect travel game. It comes in handy sized, double decked packs and with each deck you can play 16 different games - the main difference being that you effortlessly learn a language as you play.

How to learn a language the “natural” way

June 25th, 2012|Tags: |

We learn a language a lot faster and more easily if we use Discovery Learning - a syatem of learning that replicates the way we learned our first language. In doing so we play to the strengths of human brains which are hot-wired to receive information this way.

How long for a beginner to make a sentence in French or Spanish?

June 17th, 2012|Tags: |

You will learn the words at least 200% faster because they are in context. That's really smart - and fun.

What’s the best way to teach children a language?

June 6th, 2012|Tags: |

children with proficiency in a second language can expect to earn more, have more career options, be more creative and even enjoy mental health benefits?

What’s the best age to learn a language?

May 31st, 2012|Tags: |

learning a language bestows on the learner so many benefits - mental, social and even career - that it just makes a lot of sense whatever your age.

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