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/Build Vocabulary

How to Learn Foreign Vocabulary Method 3 – Discovery Learning

May 23rd, 2017|Tags: , , , , |

Experience the Eureka moment! I am pretty sure that none of us had parents who, when we were toddlers, gave us lists of words to learn by next week. I don't think so. What generally happened is that we would point at something that we wanted to know the name of, such as a dog, and our parents said “Dog” and we repeated “Dog”. This form of learning is called Discovery Learning. It is the natural way we learned new words when we were small and is the way our brains are hot wired to build vocabulary. Using Discovery Learning creates powerful Eureka [...]

How to Learn Foreign Vocabulary Method 2 – Using Context

April 30th, 2017|Tags: |

Making it meaningful – putting words into context Young Man learns speaks 11 languages fluently I was struck by the news of a young man who is fluent in 11 languages. There is a lovely video on him on the BBC where he does in fact speak in all 11 languages. It is significant that he said only one thing about what makes it easier for him to learn new languages and I wrote it down word for word. He stated: “The easiest way to learn is from context. I remember what I see or hear [...]

How to Learn Foreign Vocabulary Method 1 – Rote and Rehearsal

April 23rd, 2017|Tags: , , |

Build vocabulary the No 1 way? No way! Building vocabulary has always been an ordeal for many learners. Long lists of words...trying to somehow memorize them with brute force and repetition...but your mind starts swimming with all the information and you start to tire.... then you test yourself and find that the new information just won’t you repeat the process. You become more tired and before long, your mind starts to shut down. You feel deflated, demotivated and just plain exhausted. So much effort and so little reward. Rote learning from lists is still the No 1 method for learning vocabulary and, believe it [...]

Make your own KLOO cards for FREE

February 21st, 2017|Tags: , |

More and more teachers and language learners have been in contact with us about making their own KLOO cards - and could we provide them with blank cards to make them. We thought that this was a great idea. Once learners know all the words in a deck, more can be added in, so the KLOO system can help build vocabulary even further. We have created a "Make Your Own" page on our website which gives instructions on how to make the cards so that they work with your existing decks. We have also provided you [...]

Top Tip for Beginners – the First Words to Learn in a Second Language

September 18th, 2016|Tags: , , |

Learn these and your ability to express yourself quickly and easily will grow exponentially. That's why it's a great place for language beginners to start.

How 70 words turn into 7 million sentences

August 8th, 2016|

That's over 7 million sentences from about 60 words. That is why Einstein said such growth is the most powerful force in nature...and we should harness it.

What aspects of language do you learn when playing KLOO?

March 7th, 2016|Tags: , , |

When we created KLOO we wanted a game that went beyond the basics of language - a game that helped learners to really start speaking the language properly; a game that used words as building blocks and rewarded players for making proper sentences; a game that made learning easy and fun.

How to build your French Vocabulary swiftly and easily

February 23rd, 2016|Tags: , |

When you use the power of Discovery Learning coupled with placing words in context and then wrapping the whole experience in a game - a strange thing happens. Picking up words becomes automatic and almost effortless.

Simple game for teaching yourself a foreign language

January 27th, 2016|Tags: , |

We learned in a natural way - picking up the words we wanted to know, when we wanted to know them. It's called Discovery Learning and it's the most powerful way to learn a language.

Spice up learning French with KLOO’s Race to Paris Board Game

January 21st, 2016|

Learning French can be fun So many people struggle with learning a language. One of the main hurdles is that people find it difficult and, let's be honest, the polar opposite to having fun. But thousands of people have discovered  it can be easy - and fun. What is this I hear? Learning French can be fun? Oui, c'est vrai! This short video shows how the Race to Paris Game board game adds a few extra twists to the bestselling game. Soon you'll be racing to Paris - learning words and making sentences as you go. Time to [...]

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