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/mfl games

Unleash the hidden warrior – Best Games bring out the Best in You

April 1st, 2011|Tags: |

Good Games improve your performance. Best Games motivate you to do better Lurking inside us is a hidden warrior. He's the guy or gal who doesn't like to be beat. Kids let him out all the time. Have you ever seen kids playing? They will compete at anything: "How many times can you say the alphabet in one breath? First one to touch the car door wins! I bet I can throw this stone farther than you?" As we get older we like to think that we leave the competitive streak behind and we become [...]

Family Board Games are sooooo last century! Think again – we need them.

March 19th, 2011|Tags: , , |

Family Board Games and why they're still important Mum  : "How about a game of Monopoly or KLOO after dinner tonight? Daughter: "But isn't 'X-Factor' on the box at 8 pm?" TV v Traditional Family Board Game - that's a complete mismatch, right? It's a David v Goliath struggle - that Goliath wins hands down in nearly every household. We have more channels that we can possibly watch. We have PVRs in case we miss something. There is video gaming too. Not to mention the Internet. And what about Smartphones?...... It seems that, without really noticing or understanding [...]

5 Easy Ways to learn a Foreign Language at Home – Part 5

January 6th, 2011|Tags: , , , , , , , , , |

Better than magic – the best way to learn a second language Learning a language as if by magic? I remember as an eight year old, asking my mother if I could take a rug into the garden. With her permission, I laid it out in the middle of the lawn and closed my eyes. Concentrating hard, and with firm conviction, I uttered the special magic words to make my carpet fly. It did not move. The problem was clear: I was using the wrong words. I resolutely stuck to my task, using [...]

Foreign Language Resource No. 3: Make Learning Fun

October 13th, 2010|Tags: , , , |

Fun Foreign Language Resources make the difference Have fun together and learn together A time for honesty. Learning a foreign language can be difficult and, well, tedious. You shouldn't say it - but for many people it is. Learning vocabulary by rote has to be one of the world's most mind numbing activities - right up there with ironing shirts. Technical grammar can make your brain hurt. By the time you get to conjugations you are screaming "is this absolutely necessary!". Luckily, the answer is no! This is not necessary! If you are experiencing all [...]

Foreign Language Resource No. 2: Make it “Meaningful”

October 4th, 2010|Tags: , , |

Foreign Language Resource: The importance of context As discussed in this blog, learning a foreign language depends much more on the tools you use that your innate "language ability". Use the wrong tools and you can easily start believing that you don’t have the necessary talent to learn a language (when you absolutely do). Use the right tools and methods and you’re natural language ability kicks in. Here I outline the second language method that is independently researched and proven to work.  Foreign Language Method - Make it meaningful Research shows that words and phrases [...]

Foreign Language Resources No. 1 – Another Human Being!

September 26th, 2010|Tags: , , , , |

Use the wrong language resources and you can easily start believing that you don't have the necessary talent to learn a language (when you absolutely do). Use the right resources and you're natural language ability kicks in.

Learning a foreign language like a parrot can seriously slow you down.

September 16th, 2010|Tags: , , |

Foreign Language Learning Tips You're not a parrot. So don't learn a foreign language like one! Cover via Amazon Independent research has shown that some, much used learning methods, are totally inefficient ways to learn a foreign language. The main practice to be placed in the naughty corner is learning by rote (this includes vocabulary lists, phrasebooks and repetition exercises). Dr. H. Douglas Brown in his excellent book “Principles of Language Learning and Teaching” states that if you learn using such products and methods you are likely to suffer from “Systematic Forgetting” – a frightening thought [...]

Foreign Language Resources Review

September 2nd, 2010|Tags: , , , |

Guide to Foreign Language Resources Foreign language huh? (Photo credit: Gadget Virtuoso) In this blog I am going to cut to the chase and state what language resources hardly work at all. The statements made here are not a matter of opinion but of independently researched fact. The reason that a lot of these materials fail is that they do not incorporate the 5 proven principles of language learning. Some do not even incorporate a single principle. On the web and in the media in general, there are so many unsubstantiated opinions and [...]

Language Resources Review: What the language industry doesn’t want you to know

August 25th, 2010|Tags: , , , , , , , , |

Language Resources Review - MFL Resources that do and don't work Foreign Language Bookshop neon sign (Photo credit: avlxyz) If you are reading this...there is a good chance you have already tried different language resources and have been left feeling disappointed. Finding the best way to learn a foreign language is the right thing to do - but it's not easy. Perhaps you haven’t made a purchase yet but are bewildered and confused. There is a lot to be confused about! There are CDs, talking toys, talking books, text books, audio programs, DVDs, phrasebooks, vocabulary [...]

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