The FUN way to learn a language

China is an economic power house. How do Spanish speaking countries compete?

Learning a language abroad becomes is a necessity

The most powerful way to learn a language is through necessity. Drop yourself into a foreign country and you’ll soon find out how to exchange simple pleasantries, order food, give directions and learn the basics of daily living. Because you have to. The mind becomes extremely efficient and determined when it becomes a matter of eating – or not!

The fun way is also the best way

However, when language learning is not a necessity, like for most of us, it becomes a more of a “Like to do”. Many people have “learning a language” on their wish list. I do (in Italian). But when it’s a non-essential wish – you are going to need something else other than hard necessity to drive your learning – and that will come from enjoyment…or put another way, FUN.

When you find something entertaining your mind locks onto the task in hand – that’s why we will spend hours and hours playing all sorts of games on tablets, solving puzzles or watching films. We enjoy these pastimes. They’re fun!

So let’s make language learning fun. Although language learning is not known for being an especially easy or fun subject to learn – it can be!

The Language Game that makes Language Fun

Learn Italian KLOO MFL games

Learn Italian KLOO Cards

If it’s fun you are after, then take a serious look at KLOO. This award winning language game has people talking French, Spanish and now Italian in seconds. People become animated, engrossed and start shouting out foreign sentences to score points. Teachers are reporting amazing things:

I like to end my lessons with something fun and I ask my students what they would like to do. Reading? A song? Hangman? KLOO? 9 times out of 10 they say KLOO.  Anouck, B.

My students get so lost in the game as they fly round the board – they don’t even notice they are learning. Lindsay, D.

There was so much laughter it disturbed my head of department who congratulated me on making French so much fun. Isaac, G.

At first I though KLOO was just another game. Then I realised this was different. It’s fun. it’s intuitive and it works. It’s a wonderful way to learn a language. Prof Jack, L

Have a look at how easy it is to make a sentence in French for instance (it’s the same for Spanish and Italian). You get one point for each word in your sentence. Then you race cars around the Race to Paris game board and score more points by translating as many words as possible. First one to Paris wins!

Now tell me that’s not fun 🙂

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