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/Learn French

4 Rules to help you decide the best language to learn

April 22nd, 2012|

Second languages have been shown to improve your mental agility, your creativity, career prospects, earning power, improve your holidays and even fight off dementia in later life! So it's definitely worth doing. Question is - which one?

The Top 7 Benefits of Learning a Language

April 6th, 2012|Tags: |

Modern Foreign languages can be called a super subject - in the same way that some foods like broccoli are super foods.


February 24th, 2012|

Research shows that words and phrases need to be learned in context in order to avoid the dreaded fate of “Systematic Forgetting”. At all costs, therefore, you should avoid learning from random lists, phrase books, and vocabulary drills. It is a waste of time!

How a young man learned to speak 11 languages fluently

February 21st, 2012|Tags: , , , , |

The unique aspect of KLOO is that even absolute beginners can play and instantly start making sentences up to 10 words long. No study, no grammar, no work - they'll learn how to make thousands of sentences in seconds.

Why language is important for your child’s career, lifestyle and even income

February 13th, 2012|Tags: , , |

A second language benefits children in many ways Learning a language is important for a child's future Sometimes there is a an article that encapsulates everything in a nutshell. This piece, that appeared in the Sunday Express recently, is such a piece. It talks about how learning a language is more than  just another subject to learn - much more. It explains how employers are actively seeking personnel with language skills and cannot find them. It shows that people with language skills earn more and generally can look forward to a better lifestyle...if you want [...]

Cartoon characters play a fun game to learn a language

January 27th, 2012|Tags: , , |

Fun MFL Game for Building French and Spanish Vocabulary We love this video. It shows two cartoon kids showing how learning foreign words can be fun - when they turn it into a Penalty Shoot-Out! Which word do you pick to take the first penalty? Pick your corner, focus, strike... This is one of 16 great language games you can play with KLOO cards:

How to use Kindle to learn a language

January 13th, 2012|Tags: , , , , , |

3 steps to using Kindle E-books to learn a language It's easy to use a Kindle to learn a foreign language Volumes have been written about Kindle and the way it can revolutionize the way we read.  But did you know Kindle and E-Books also make learning a language a lot on. As well as using Kindle for reading my usual books, I also use it to brush up my Italian. In doing so I have learned that the Kindle has made learning a language through reading, easier than ever. There are just 3 simple [...]

Are we really turning into Little Britain?

November 25th, 2011|Tags: |

If we are not embarrassed about our failure to speak languages maybe we should be.... "One of the great cringe-making sights is when you're abroad and you see cross British tourists bellowing "you don't speak English?" in some locals face."

We’re turning into “Little Britain” – cut off from the continent – Ouch!

October 7th, 2011|

Dr Anthony Seldon, Head of Wellington College, argues that our collective weakness in speaking foreign languages is turning us into a "Little Britain". Pulling no punches, he argues that we are becoming deeply insular, expecting all foreigners to speak English. He goes on to say ""Our record in language learning is uniquely bad in the developed world. We cannot simply assume the rest of the world will learn English to accommodate us. We cannot lose the plot at a time when other countries are expanding their language teaching. We desperately need to shift that culture and dramatically expand the teaching [...]

Government backs learning a language from 5 years old

October 3rd, 2011|

Power learning with educational games At last some reality when it comes to language learning. Education Secretary, Michael Gove, has stated he wants from five. There is an excellent article on the BBC website . But if you just want the nuggets here they are: Every child should learn a language from the age of 5. Almost every other advanced nation teaches a foreign language from that age. He criticizes Brits for taking a "perverse pride" in not speaking another language. The number of pupils taking a language at GCSE has plummeted from 444,000 in 1998 to 273,000 in [...]

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