Learn a language the easy way

Do we over-complicate language learning?

I suspect we do. Quite a lot.

learn French Spanish or Italian language with KLOO MFL Games

Language learning doesn’t have to be rocket science

Volumes have been written and theories abound about the best ways to learn a language. However, if we pause for breathe in all of our deliberations, we can witness the most successful examples of language acquisition: that is the example of children learning their first language. They do it efficiently and effectively and without resort to embracing any complex theories. Indeed they are oblivious – it is a natural process.

What are the central planks of their learning?

The natural way to learn a language

In essence there are three main features to children learning a language:

  1. Building vocabulary
  2. Putting words into sentences
  3. Speaking out loud

The repeat the process…and repeat again….learn words, put into sentences, speak out loud. No need to read, write or work…this works.

It is for this reason I think the Michel Thomas method of learning is very powerful. It’s also why our KLOO language games are being played more and more often in schools and at home.

I received this yesterday from the Head of Languages at Grainville School on the island of Jersey.

“I just wanted to let you know how impressed I am with Kloo.  I came across the game completely by chance in a MFL catalogue and having a few pennies left in my budget I thought I would trial it.  The Key Stage 4 French and Spanish classes love the competitive aspect of it and are speaking the languages without even thinking about it, are demanding to go and play the games with the Language assistant.

Thank you for making my job a whole lot easier.

And what will those children be doing while they race their cars around Learn French Race to Paris and Learn Spanish Race to Madrid board games?

Learning words – Making Sentences – Speaking out loud….over and over again, to score points and win. In essence we reward players (children or adults) to repeat the natural process of language acquisition.

What’s really interesting!!

What’s really interesting is that players often feel they are not learning at all – just playing ….it’s so easy and natural. But when they play their second game they are often amazed and sometimes completely bewildered at how many words they have picked up without trying. That’s because we have tapped into the natural way we learned our first language. You should give it a try.

Look at these videos to see how easily players make sentences even if they are ansolute beginners and how they learn words via Discovery Learning:

How to make French Sentences in seconds

How to learn French words as you play

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