language Tools Resources to learn

The Overlooked Secret: The Right Tools Make or Break Your Language Learning Journey

How crucial is your method of learning? Spoiler: It’s more important than you think.

When it comes to learning a new language, the tools you use matter far more than any so-called “innate ability.” Choosing the wrong tools can make you believe you lack the talent to learn a new language (which is nonsense). On the flip side, using the right tools will let your natural language skills shine through.

Picture this: a golfer trying to play with a cricket bat or a tennis player swinging a football. Ridiculous, right? The same goes for language learning. The wrong tools can completely negate your natural abilities.

mother teaches child a language with language gameAt KLOO, we’ve spent a long time thinking about how to make language learning as effortless and fun as possible. Instead of building vocabulary by rote, you learn new words as you play. Instead of grappling with difficult grammar rules, you learn to build sentences instinctively with color-coded cards. Instead of studying, you simply play. Instead of tapping words into a computer, you say your sentences out loud to score points.

If you wanted to run a marathon, think of KLOO as your top-notch trainers instead of flip-flops!

And guess what? KLOO costs less than a pair of trainers or even flip-flops.

Check these award-winning games here.

But even if you decide not to use KLOO – do yourself a big favour and avoid these language resources.

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