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About Andrew

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So far Andrew has created 172 blog entries.

How to Learn Foreign Vocabulary Method 2 – Using Context

April 30th, 2017|Tags: |

Making it meaningful – putting words into context Young Man learns speaks 11 languages fluently I was struck by the news of a young man who is fluent in 11 languages. There is a lovely video on him on the BBC where he does in fact speak in all 11 languages. It is significant that he said only one thing about what makes it easier for him to learn new languages and I wrote it down word for word. He stated: “The easiest way to learn is from context. I remember what I see or hear [...]

How to Learn Foreign Vocabulary Method 1 – Rote and Rehearsal

April 23rd, 2017|Tags: , , |

Build vocabulary the No 1 way? No way! Building vocabulary has always been an ordeal for many learners. Long lists of words...trying to somehow memorize them with brute force and repetition...but your mind starts swimming with all the information and you start to tire.... then you test yourself and find that the new information just won’t you repeat the process. You become more tired and before long, your mind starts to shut down. You feel deflated, demotivated and just plain exhausted. So much effort and so little reward. Rote learning from lists is still the No 1 method for learning vocabulary and, believe it [...]

The overlooked fact. Using the right language tools makes the difference between learning and not

April 15th, 2017|Tags: , , , , |

How important is your method of learning? Learning a foreign language depends much more on the tools you use than your innate “language ability”. Use the wrong tools and you start believing that you don’t have the necessary talent to learn a language (when you absolutely do). Conversely, use the right tools and systems and your natural language ability will shine. Think of a golfer trying to play golf with a cricket bat. Or a tennis player trying to play tennis with a football! Crazy eh? It won't work. And it doesn't work for language [...]

There are 6 different ways to build vocabulary – which is best?

April 11th, 2017|

6 Methods of building foreign vocabulary There are six different approaches to acquiring foreign vocabulary. The approach you use will make a huge impact on your rate of learning. As you will see, in later blogs, the method you use is more important than your natural language ability. Proven or guesswork? As you might expect with 6 different methods of learning, some are better and others and some are wildly better than others! What we share in our blog is completely researched, sourced and proven. We will help you to cut through the noise, marketing, hype and guesswork [...]

Teacher sneaks KLOO into her classroom – and this is what happens!

March 24th, 2017|Tags: , , |

Language teachers are at the coal face of language learning - and so they know what works best. This teacher wrote a review on Amazon 3 years after she bought the game - because she wanted to share what happened when she sneaked KLOO into her classroom. Here's what she said complete with a picture of her (very tidy!) classroom. "This is such a fun and engaging game that participants don't notice that they're learning!" This is what happened when one teacher put KLOO in her classroom. If you want the same impact [...]

Make your own KLOO cards for FREE

February 21st, 2017|Tags: , |

More and more teachers and language learners have been in contact with us about making their own KLOO cards - and could we provide them with blank cards to make them. We thought that this was a great idea. Once learners know all the words in a deck, more can be added in, so the KLOO system can help build vocabulary even further. We have created a "Make Your Own" page on our website which gives instructions on how to make the cards so that they work with your existing decks. We have also provided you [...]

When teachers can’t speak the language – how are they going to teach it?

February 15th, 2017|Tags: , , , , , , |

If a teacher cannot speak French or Spanish, how are they able to teach them as subjects? With the numbers of language teachers falling precipitously it's becoming more and more normal for a class to be taught by teachers who cannot themselves speak the language they teach. How can that work? Games like chess can harness human intellect I know many of the world's greatest chess players (in a previous life I ran the world chess championships) and it's interesting that the great Chess Grandmasters have chess coaches. It's interesting in that the chess [...]

Asking for a Pizza and a Coffee – Super Easy

February 3rd, 2017|

There are two ways of learning a language. Firstly, there is by rote - essentially you'll learn a stock of useful sentences off by heart. And then there is the generative approach: in this method you learn words as building blocks to make more sentences. If you learn the first way, you'll always be limited to a few stock phrases. If you learn with the second method, with just a few hundred words, you can make millions of sentences. KLOO helps you with the second'll hundreds of words and be able to make sentences in [...]

What difference does enthusiasm make for language learning? How can I get it in the classroom?

January 18th, 2017|

Two great questions that deserve straight forward answers. Q 1. What price does enthusiasm make to learning a language? A. I think we all know the answer to this - but the answer is ALL THE DIFFERENCE. It really does. Q 2. How can I get enthusiasm into the classroom? A. Great question and if you haven't found it yet, a tricky one. But it needn't be. KLOO Language games drives enthusiasm through the roof. MFL teachers have consistently said it's a game changer for them. Kids have great fun and are learning faster. We [...]

What makes a Good Game become Great

December 12th, 2016|Tags: , , , |

What's the secret to a great game?...Well first and foremost it has to be enjoyable. Not many games survive if they aren't any fun!! Less obvious is that they should also be a challenge. Noughts and crosses is good fun only until you know the system and then every game becomes a boring draw. So if you have a game that's fun and a challenge - then it's (in my book at least) reached the the league of Good Games. But how does it go on to become a great game? As a games designer I [...]

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