Does Grammar suck the fun out of learning a language?

Easy French Spanish and Italian grammar

Grammar – the toughest part of learning a second language?

Isn’t it strange how kids often start learning a second language with gusto. They come home singing songs in Spanish or French, counting numbers and asking how you are in cute accents. But then something happens. The fun stops, the language becomes difficult and all this usually starts with the introduction of grammar.

It is as if the sunny world of language learning is clouded by the introduction of strange new concepts: pronouns, conjunctions, tenses, gerund, gender agreement, adjectives – and that’s just for starters. For a little person these are very difficult concepts to grapple with and a lot of people never get to grips with them…..ever!

How to effortlessly make grammatically correct sentences in French, Spanish or Italian

Wouldn’t it be better if we could, make grammatically correct sentences effortlessly – using a more intuitive, learner friendly system? And wouldn’t it be better if the fun didn’t stop? Perhaps we could make sentence making and learning words a game…then maybe grammar wouldn’t feel like work at all – just playing and having fun.

Well that’s what thousands of schools in the UK and the USA have found with KLOO. Check out how easy it is to make grammatically correct sentences…then check out what teachers and parents say about it…not only is enthusiasm up – but the learning is faster and more instinctive. Indeed when teachers later introduce grammar concepts – it’s much easier to explain with the KLOO MFL resources shown  below.

Worth finding out more? Go ahead. Check out the video. We show here how to make French sentences using KLOO cards. But the concepts apply equally well to Italian and Spanish cards.

For KLOO French Games visit

Video content

00:18 How to make Grammatically Correct French Sentences with KLOO Games
00:27 Start by playing a red card
00:28 Follow the coloured arrows to know what cards to play next
00:38 How to use double arrow cards on KLOO cards
00:51 How to score KLOO cards
00:59 What if you don’t have all the cards to make a sentence
01:15 With just 2 rules you can make millions of grammatically correct French sentences


How to make a French sentence with KLOO. Making a sentence is really easy. Start by playing a red card, and then just look for the colored arrows. For a blue arrow, play a blue card. For a purple arrow, play a purple card.

Here’s a double arrow card. You have to be able to play the next card in order to play it. Just keep playing as far as you can. In most games of Kloo, you score a point per card. So, in this case, seven points. And what happens if you don’t have all the cards? Let’s see. Start with a red card. You can play a blue card, and a yellow card. But with no green or purple cards, that’s as far as we can go. Three points for this turn.

With these simple rules you can now make tens of thousands of French sentences, all in under a minute.

About KLOO

KLOO is the award winning card game that teaches you how to make thousands of French sentences and phrases in just seconds. In KLOO games, the longer your French sentence or Phrase – the more points you score! KLOO Language Games are an ideal way to learn French. Ideal as part of French lessons or just for fun at home. KLOO – the fun way to learn how to speak French.

For more information, please visit


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